Referring a Case

Would referring vets please follow the protocol below as much as possible and use the lines of communication specified. Thank you.

  1. If at all possible, make an initial phone call to discuss the case and to find out what length the current waiting list is, if at all possible.  Phone 0116 326 6759
  2. Use the “Refer Now” button on the website which takes you to an on-line referral form. Please include a summary of the problem and what treatments etc have been attempted so far.  It is time consuming and difficult to have to wade through up to 100 or more pages of an animal’s history to get an idea on what has been done for a particular problem.  Still attach the clinical history from your PMS though and any *relevant* test results to the form.
  3. If emailing please send you email to  and not any other address. Once again, please include a summary of the problem and what treatments etc have been attempted so far and attach the clinical history from your PMS along with any relevant test results.